티스토리 뷰
(업데이트) 호주와 뉴질랜드도 불참하겠다고 발표했습니다.
캐나다가 2020 도쿄 올림픽이 연기되지 않으면 불참하겠다고 선언했습니다.
The Canadian Olympic Committee와 Canadian Paralympic Committee에서는 도쿄 올림픽을 연기하지 않을 경우 선수들을 보내지 않겠다고 현지 시간 3월 22일에 발표했는데요, 선수들과 국제 사회의 건강과 안전보다 더 중요한 것은 없다”면서 불참의 이유를 밝혔습니다.
캐나다 발표 전문
Type: Press Release
Topic: Tokyo 2020
Year: 2020
March 22, 2020
TORONTO (March 22, 2020) – The Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) and Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC), backed by their Athletes’ Commissions, National Sports Organizations and the Government of Canada, have made the difficult decision to not send Canadian teams to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in the summer of 2020.
The COC and CPC urgently call on the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to postpone the Games for one year and we offer them our full support in helping navigate all the complexities that rescheduling the Games will bring. While we recognize the inherent complexities around a postponement, nothing is more important than the health and safety of our athletes and the world community.
This is not solely about athlete health – it is about public health. With COVID-19 and the associated risks, it is not safe for our athletes, and the health and safety of their families and the broader Canadian community for athletes to continue training towards these Games. In fact, it runs counter to the public health advice which we urge all Canadians to follow.
The COC and CPC reviewed the letter and news release sent Sunday by the IOC. We are thankful to the IOC for its assurance that it will not be cancelling the Tokyo 2020 Games and appreciative that it understands the importance of accelerating its decision-making regarding a possible postponement.
We also applaud the IOC for acknowledging that safeguarding the health and wellness of nations and containing the virus must be our paramount concern. We are in the midst of a global health crisis that is far more significant than sport.
The COC and CPC would like to thank our athletes, partners and the Canadian sport community for their patience and for lending us their voices during these unprecedented times. We remain hopeful that the IOC and IPC will agree with the decision to postpone the Games as a part of our collective responsibility to protect our communities and work to contain the spread of the virus.
Team Canada will not send athletes to Games in summer 2020 due to COVID-19 risks
TORONTO (March 22, 2020) – The Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) and Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC), backed by their Athletes’ Commissions, National Sports Organizations and the Government of C…
이렇게 캐나다가 도쿄 올림픽 불참의 스타트를 끊어주네요.
아베 총리도 이런 움직임을 느꼈는지 그 동안 고집스레 도쿄 올림픽 개최를 주장하던 것에서 물러나,
분위기를 보니 올림픽 연기든 취소든 올해 올림픽을 개최하는건 아무래도 힘들 것 같아요.
올림픽에 출전하기 위해 열심히 노력해온 선수들에겐 힘빠지는 소식이 아닐 수 없습니다. ㅠㅠ
하지만 가장 중요한건 선수 자신의 건강과 안전이니까요 많이 실망하지 않으셨으면 합니다.
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